Cycling The Canal Du Midi Ing
Cycling The Canal Du Midi - Cicerone
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Cycling The Canal Du Midi - Cicerone
Het 17-de eeuwse Canal du Midi staat op de werelderfgoedlijst van de UNESCO.
Het kanaal is 240 km lang en de zijtak naar Narbonne 37 km. In de gids wordt de fietstocht op en in de buurt van de trekpaden langs het kanaal van Toulouse naar Sete in vijf etappes van gemiddeld 50 km beschreven.
Er staan ook zes fietsexcursies van 35 tot 75 km in, die vanaf de trekpaden kunnen worden gemaakt naar bezienswaardigheden in de omtrek.
Taal is Engels
VAn de site van de uitgever:
Guide to cycling the Canal du Midi in southern France, 240km from Toulouse in the Haute Garonne to Sete on the Mediterranean Coast. The flat, picturesque route is divided into five stages, each around 50km long. Includes detours to sights close to the canal as well as longer excursions, including Narbonne, Minerve, Carcassone and Beziers.
This guidebook describes a 240km cycle ride along the length of the Canal du Midi in southern France. Starting at Toulouse in the Haute Garonne and finishing at Sète on the Mediterranean Coast, the route is divided into five stages of about 50km. It is a flat, car-free and picturesque route mainly on the towpath, and is suitable for all abilities.
The guide is written for those who want to explore the canal and visit attractions along the way. There are lots of optional detours to sites of interest near the canal, as well as six longer excursions including fortified Carcassone, Roman Narbonne, Vendres lagoon and the Portiragnes marshes. Detailed route descriptions are crammed with additional information about points of interest passed, and 1:200,000 scale maps clearly show the route for each stage of the way.
Begun in 1666 the Canal du Midi is one of the world's most picturesque waterways and a World Heritage Site. This is 'La France Profonde', a region rich in history and culture, as seen in the grand homes and chateaux that grace the water's edge, and the fascinating Cathar strongholds of Carcassone, Lastours and Minerve.
Hoofdkenmerken op een rij
Schaal | 1:50.000 |
Taal | Engels |
Schrijver | Declan Lyons |
Uitgever | Cicerone |
Jaar van uitgave | 2022 |
Artikelnummer | 431109 |
EAN / ISBN | 9781852847845 |